National Geospatial Infrastructure Window, to optimize the benefits of consolidating geospatial data efforts and integrating them through a national geospatial system and database accessible to all government entities, the aim is to facilitate easy and secure sharing and utilization of this data. This will be accomplished in accordance with a defined publishing policy that protects rights and enhances data security.
Supporting decision-making.
Enhancing data quality, integrating geospatial services and facilitating access to them through a unified platform.
Raising the efficiency of spending and attract investments in the geospatial sector.
Unify national geospatial dissemination policies.
Enhancing the security of national geospatial information.
Government Authorities
Private sector
Private Sector
1. Administrative Regions
2. Elevation
3. Geographical Names
4. Geology
5. Imagery
6. Land Cover
7. Land Parcels
8. Land Use
9. National Address
10. Transport
11. Water
12. Buildings
13. Distribution of Population
14. Utilities
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