The Establishment


Stages of establishment of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information.


Central Survey Administration

which stipulates an exhaustive list of all government and private agencies involved in the field of survey and mapping shall be prepared and the work and operations of all those agencies shall be assigned to a single organization called the "Central Survey Administration", shall be responsible for every surveying job needed by any government or private institution.


Changing to the General Authority for Survey

Which stipulates the change of the Central Survey Administration at the Ministry of Defense and Aviation to a commission, named the "General Commission for Survey" which will operate as a body corporate, with its own independent budget, reporting directly to the Minister of Defense


Approval of its organizational and guide

Which stipulates endorsement of the Organization of the General Commission for Survey as attached herewith. The GCS Board of Directors-acting within the limits of its justification- may revise the Organizational guide.


Approval of the Authority organization under the name General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information

Which stipulates endorsement of the Organization of the General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information, and tasked the Authority to regulate the sector of survey, geospatial information, and imaging in the Kingdom.


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آخر تعديل: 7/8/2024

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